Surgical Support Services
Surgical Support Services is an initiative where Surgeons and Anaesthetists engage our specialist medical services. We offer a package of support to promote fitness for surgery and perioperative care to ensure all your medical needs and proactively managed post-operatively.
Research from the Royal College of Anaesthetists and ANZA (Australian and New Zealand College of Anaethetist) have published evidence confirming that Medical Consultants working alongside Surgeons and Anesthetists improve intra-operative and post-operative care, optimising patient outcomes and reducing hospital length of stay and complications.
When your surgeon refers you to Lower Hunter Medical, you will be required to undertake a pre-op new patient form and have a pathology test prior to your preoperative assessment with our medical Specialist. The aim of the preoperative assessment is to stabilise any medical conditions you may have, and/or, identify any possible medical issues that may result from surgery with your individual medical status and overall well-being.
Case example: If you have diabetes, and have not been managing your sugars very well, our specialist will ensure your diabetes is stabilised prior to surgery and managed during your hospitalisation and post-operative to optimise your recovery, promote healing and prevent the additional risk of infection.
This Medical- Surgical collaborative model is benchmarking excellence and maximising your surgical journey.